Looking for what certifications are required for bench staff members? We've got it covered here for all levels of minor hockey.
Bench Staff Certification
Certification for Coaches, Managers, and Trainers is mandatory and varies based on age and level categories. We get many questions every year about what certifications bench staff members are required to have. Here are some ways you can find out what is needed:
Bench Staff Certification - All required certifications are listed in this PDF chart that you can download.
Hockey Eastern Ontario - HEO has a tool where you can select your position, age group, and division level and it will show you the necessary course requirements.
Certification Clinics
HEO Training Clinics - A list of courses is available on the Hockey Canada Registry site and more courses are added closer to the start of the season. Courses are hosted throughout HEO's jurisdiction. Be sure to select HEO under the Find Your Clinic drop down bar at the top of the page.
Respect In Sport: Activity Leader - Required for all bench staff members, RIS:AL is a separate course from the Parent version that you may have already taken.
Trainer Certification - All teams are required to have a certified trainer.
Qualifications are typically due mid to late October so be sure to sign up for any necessary training early, as spaces are limited for certain courses / locations.