Reschedule Request U18H (Upper Ottawa Valley Minor Hockey League)

Reschedule Request U18H
Coaches or Managers are to complete this form when seeking to reschedule a game. Once completed, the form will be sent to the appropriate convenor who will approve or deny the request. For imminent weather related cancellations, reach out to the opposing Coach / Manager first and if postponed, complete this form.

U18 House League - Reschedule Request

Convenor: Darren Hermiston

Game Details


Enter the team name including number as it appears in the league (ie Muskrat 1). Do not refer by any team nickname (ie Petawawa Penguins)

Request Details

When submitting your request to reschedule a game, please provide enough detail as to the reason why. (ie tournament scheduled, weather, etc). If being requested for other reasons, include what steps you have taken to resolve the issue prior to requesting the game be rescheduled (ie goalie absent: AP is not available, unable to find emergency goalie, etc).